Wednesday, March 2, 2005

What Are Liberals To Do?

Sorry for the provocative title, I by no means intend to "gloat" over the recent positive developments in the Middle East, that I've commented on extensively. As my "Domino's Fall" post below mentions, recent developments, while positive are by no means secure and we probably will see setbacks in the future. History seems to progress in a two steps forward, one step back sort of sequence.

None-the-less, evidence continues to build that the Neo-con strategery underlying the Iraq War tactic is producing tangible, positive change in the region. For the first time in decades, we can begin to envision an Arab world subject to the will of the people. With that comes not only freedom from tyranny, but also freedom from poverty and squalor as well.

Sadly, much of the world's left vehemently opposed the Iraq War. Further, the left's strategy of appeasement through the Food for Oil program seems to have devolved to little more than a massively corrupt effort to allow Saddam to continue to exploit his people while lining the pockets of UN insiders.

The Functional Ambivalent, linked in the title above, has posted a powerful, personal look at what this means for the left. More importantly, Tom asks where the left goes from here. While Tom and I probably agree on very little (including some of the things I've said in this post!) we both agree that a vital, thoughtful left is important in the public debate as we move forward.

So Tom asks what can the left do? My simple answer is to "get in the game". Step one is to stop with the BushMcHitlerChimp sort of talk (let me be clear, Tom never did this) that demeans the left more than it does the President, and re-engage on an intellectual level. We have continuing challenges in the Middle East that hopefully include managing our victory and peacefully guiding change in Iran. North Korea, China, and an increasing belligerent Russia are further challenges.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this issue in the comments below, or go over to the Functional Ambivalent and comment there.

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